Opleiding – Huisartsenpraktijk van Kerkhoven en van de Ven – Maarheeze


Wij vinden het onze taak om in de huisartsenpraktijk mee te werken aan het opleiden van doktersassistentes, praktijkondersteuners en artsen.

Op dit moment is er een huisarts in opleiding en een stagiaire doktersassistente in de praktijk.

Mrs Greenfield
Shall I reduce your illness to a sum
– A single figure written on a screen –
And tell you: ´Bring it with you when you come?`
Is that, dear Mrs Greenfield, what I mean?

And shall we have a book to write it down,
For you to keep correct and up to date,
And shall I make you worry that I´ll frown
And quibble if a certain test is late?

Is this the proper answer to your plea
To have a little help with your disease?
<Can it be true you really came to me
<For cure by mathematical degrees?

I think you came for something rather more,
I think you wanted meaning, not a score.

James R. Willis
ex-huisarts uit Engeland